Types of Agricultural Machinery for Harvesting

Types of Agricultural Machinery for Harvesting

It is difficult to even count the types of agricultural machinery and equipment. However, one thing is worth highlighting separately – this is the equipment that we use to harvest. What machines and what types of agricultural machinery will help a farmer to quickly and easily harvest, we will tell you below.

Harvesting grain, legumes and other crops requires the use of various units. Examples of such equipment are a winnower, a reaper, a thresher and much more. After all, not only harvesting is important, but also processing, cleaning and preparing the grain for sale.

They can be listed in the order of use:

  1. Combines are used to harvest grain crops such as wheat, barley, corn, etc. The most important advantage is their versatility. Combines can perform reaping, threshing, and cleaning of grain. Everything depends on the modification and purpose of the equipment.
  2. Mowers are used for mowing grass and hay in fields and meadows. These can be either trailed units or self-propelled machines for various working conditions.
  3. The next agricultural machinery for harvesting is machines for harvesting vegetables and fruits, for example, for harvesting apples, vegetables, cabbage or carrots.
  4. Olive harvesting machines are used exclusively for this product. They are equipped with special brushes, which can be automatic or semi-automatic.
  5. Tractor trailers: Attached to tractors, these are used to transport harvested crops to storage. There are countless types of trailers, the most common being grain trailers.
  6. Last but not least, cotton-picking machines are also available in automatic and semi-automatic versions.

Moreover, do not forget about auxiliary equipment for fieldwork. Soil cultivation, plowing and cultivation are an integral stage on which the quality of the harvest depends.

You can find agricultural machinery for sale on the online service of advertisements “VAS”. On this website, you can place advertisements for purchase and sale free.

You can find what you need in the catalog category of the same name. Here you can use filters and sorting tools to select the desired model, year of manufacture, brand and purpose.

The seller’s contact information is in each ad. In addition, the description always indicates the condition as new or used.
On the website “VAS”: https://usa.vas.trade/, you can specify your geolocation and search for agricultural equipment in your state or nearby.

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