How to Telecommute Easily While Lockdown?


The pandemic has made numerous changes to the way one lives. Interestingly, it has changed the way people work too. Work-from-home is the new work lifestyle, and not everyone is having a great time getting used to it. It’s tough to work in a different space, let alone your own house. Not having that standard office space can make you feel very awkward and demotivated. It’s also tough to be physically and psychologically away from your work fellows and team members. So, to make things simpler and better for you, here are five tips to make telecommuting easy during the lockdown.

#1. Manage Distractions

You don’t always have to shrug off distractions. It is healthy for you to make time for yourself. So, instead of canceling your TV service, allow yourself to have the me-time you want and rightfully deserve. Keep your working hours close to what they used to be and remind yourself that you can watch your favorite shows after that particular time. Manage your distractions instead of forbidding them.

#2. Create A Home Office 

It will help if you create an office space for yourself at home. While working in your bedroom or living room is the dream life, it’s not practical at all. The brain has this habit of adapting to a particular environment. The reason you feel so sleepy, tired, and lazy in your bedroom is that your mind knows this is where you relax. You’ll feel hungry when you sit at the dining table because you subconsciously know this is where the food comes.

Similarly, when you walk into an office environment, you automatically feel productive and motivated. Why? Because your mind knows it’s time to work now. Plus, creating a home office will prevent any work-related clutter around your house since everything has a proper place.

#3. Make A Routine 

This particular concept is significantly related to making a home office. Create a routine that is similar to before the lockdown. Set up alarms and dress up. Have breakfast, and coffee, and get ready as if you’re going to the office. This particular routine will stimulate your mind and body and urge it to get ready to work.

#4. Have A To-Do List 

Just because you’re at home, it doesn’t mean you no longer require planning. In fact, you need it now more than ever. Being at home means there are tons of other chores and errands that you can see around you while you work. A big fresh pile of clothes that need folding or a sink full of unwashed dishes might be staring at you while you are working. As a result, you would be distracted and confused as to what you should do first. So, create to-do lists and write down everything you have to do. Remember, this list should be realistic and healthy. Divide things based on time and days of the week and avoid fatiguing yourself unnecessarily.

#5. Stay in Touch with Your Colleagues 

The easiest way to manage the effects of psychological and physical separation is to connect with people digitally. Whether with your colleagues or your office members, stay in touch through different apps and software, like Zoom, WhatsApp and Microsoft Teams, etc. If you’re a leader or head of the office, make sure you arrange meetings and conferences online regularly. Doing this helps you keep track of all your employees and makes them feel connected to the office even while at home. However, for this, you will need to make sure that you have the Cox internet plans. This will enable you to interact with others easily.


Working from your home has its pros and cons, and while many people are enjoying the perks, some are having a hard time getting used to it. Telecommuting, as safe as it is, can be an alien way of life, and that’s okay. Adopting the right routines and tips can help you get used to anything and everything. Hopefully, you’ll be able to make the most out of it using the five tips mentioned above.

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