5 Reasons To Love Schools

5 Reasons To Love Schools

It is fashionable to strip our children’s schools. I see it on Facebook and in the environment you can hear a certain rejection of the educational system of the kids whose nails we cut every week. I have been working for two months in a school of which I am a guardian and a former student and the amazing thing… I have gotten the best impression of the place. It may seem like a marketing campaign, advertorial, poma sale, but here I will give my 5 reasons why (if we choose the right school for our family styles and children) it can be a GREAT place of happiness for our heirs.

Reason 1 – Teachers are cool

It is a sport to criticize them, find that everything could be done differently and even correct them. Are there penca teachers in Chile? YES. But  Do most of them do their job with dedication and affection? ALSOEvery day I am an eyewitness to how teachers do their best with the resources they have to make their students better people, more intellectually restless, and I see how they listen, welcome and accompany them in that difficult process called growth. Today the subject is very difficult for teachers and students. They can’t hug children because it can be bullying and if they don’t contain them they are cold. Well… it’s easier to be a mother-in-law than a teacher.

Reason 2 – Children love to learn

That methodologies have to be changed, that classes have to be more interactive, that traditional education has gone out of fashion are all truths of the size of the Chillan cathedral. But the children still marvel at the bean that grows in a plastic cup, the mixture of the colors of the temperas, playing at making words rhyme and that filthy thing that I hate for being smelly and noisy called flute is also a reality. Adults are complex, but children still have a capacity for wonder. There are stupid, boring and repetitive things like the periodic table… but aren’t there also in life and in the jobs that we all have? Here I will win many trolls, but I believe that even this is learning for life, education in the face of adversity and resistance in the face of boredom. Life is not a permanent roller coaster, you also learn from later things, like the senate canal.

Reason 3 – Regardless of the century, breaks are an indisputable pleasure

Breaks are happiness: Final point. That bell rings that all the neighbors hate, but for the students it is synonymous with revelry and joy. Knowing that your mother sent you a Negrita and not a sweet quince bread, skipping the elastic, playing a pichanga, sunbathing with Coca Cola on your legs, cahuining, playing wrestling, buying a hard delicacy at the kiosk, are the small details that the thirteen years make your life. According to my personal INE, 8 out of 10 children enjoy recess and it is a fundamental part of building childhood friendships.

Reason 4 – Great friends are made at school

More than one will tell me that their experience was not like that, that they hate the person who sat next to them in fourth grade and that the origin of his depression is caused by the course he tookAnd I swear I believe them. But there are many of us (and I risk saying the majority) who made great friends in our school days. I have incredible friends that I met when I was old, great neighbors and partners who are my intimates, co-authors, companions in life, but my friends from school are the ones who saw me with the Duo hairspray, the ones who rubbed my back when they kicked me for the first time, those who accompanied me to psychopath the boyfriend on duty and with whom I share sizes since 1989. Today we can be different, have diverse tastes, discuss fundamental issues, but there is a story that no one can take away from us and that was written with laughter, tears and juiciness in the school that saw us grow up.

Reason 5 – I like the school mystique

Here you have to be responsible as a family. Choose a school that identifies us in the majority of its educational project. If a walrus is more active than your clan, think about whether the sports college is yours. If you don’t even believe in yourself, no matter how good you are academically, don’t choose the most confessional. Come in, look, smell and find out. Because there are 13 years in which you will be linked to that community and while everything can be improved, I personally think it is important that you agree with most of their proposals. And when that happens (without denying that one can and should say everything that you consider to be perfectible) the equation is very cool. It is nice to belong to a group, to be part of a mystique and to feel proud to share with people who are called by similar ideals. My dad is almost 70 years old and he looks at his school with deep affection. I remember my school years with great happiness and my husband is grateful for what he learned in his. And all three are VERY different schools. And I hope that my children remember these years as a time of friendship, entertainment, demand, effort and deep learning. Because in the end, life itself is like that.


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